A huge thanks to MatromX for cooparating with me to make this animation of epic proportions. We spent so much effort and time on this, so wed both be grateful if you left a like and commented! Thanks and please enjoy!\r
Links for Mobile Devices\r
DBR 1: \r
Dinosaur Model Credits:\r
Acrocanthosaurus by Alp .K (design by Manuelosaurus on deviantart)\r
Alectrosaurus Skin for Alioramus by Alp .K\r
Alioramus by Theropoda Entertainment\r
Ankylosaurus by MatromX\r
Carnotaurus by Spinosaurus fan\r
Edmontosaurus by Theropoda Entertainment\r
Raptor X 4 by Theropoda Entertainment\r
Styracosaurus by Theropoda Entertainment\r
Suchomimus Suchomimus65 edited by Alp .K\r
Triceratops by Theropoda Entertainment\r
Tyrannosaurus Hologram by Dinomorph3000